Helmsley, north yorkshire - 1st to 3rd March 2019
Thank you all for your photo contributions and reports from the weekend. I hope this page makes for a few laughs, a few smiles and if you weren't there, envy, because it looks like a great weekend was had by all!
First photos in following the YOUTH HOSTEL WEEKEND
Chris is the first one past the post with photos of the weekend ...
Group photo at start of Saturday's long walk.
Next past the post comes Janet's offerings ...
A short walk from the River Rye from the Cistercian Abbey
Elaine making friends with the Beater's dogs.
And finally from Janet - a spectacular shot of the daffodils over Farndale
And now here come Margaret's photos.
She may be 3rd past the post but she's won the prize for volume. Here are some great shots!
She may be 3rd past the post but she's won the prize for volume. Here are some great shots!
A couple of evening shots
On the 1st night, Sue and Sandra set up a Play your Cards Right game.
It was a great game that had everyone enthralled, as the next two shots will testify
It was a great game that had everyone enthralled, as the next two shots will testify
Sisters! Sisters, There were never such devoted Sisters! We love those cracking smiles girls!

Another great game, an After Eight Mint starts on your forehead and the winner is the first to eat it by facial movement only.
Absolutely hilarious for those watching.
Absolutely hilarious for those watching.
And now for one of the ladies who joined Margaret on an 8 mile Easy/Moderate walk on Saturday, one of the rare lunch spots with tables and chairs. It was a Scout camp with barbecues and a large open fire pit. We should have been more prepared and taken some burgers!
This was from Chris's Sunday walk. 5 mile walk from Sutton Bank. Lovely views with a lake at the bottom of the hill.
During the walk Chris was awarded a special medal (if we had one) for being the most Ecological Friendly member.
Realising she had left her water bottle at the last drink stop, and being such a star, she went back down the hill to find it.
She caught up with the rest of us, bottle in hand!
During the walk Chris was awarded a special medal (if we had one) for being the most Ecological Friendly member.
Realising she had left her water bottle at the last drink stop, and being such a star, she went back down the hill to find it.
She caught up with the rest of us, bottle in hand!
Our beloved organisers. A fabulous weekend organised by Sue and Sandra. Thanks to them both
Some new arrivals! Thanks for sending this in to me Jennifer ...
This Daffy Caffy looks a brilliant place with loads of character!
And here are a lovely couple of shots of Rievaulx Abbey
Exciting News!!! We have chosen Helmsley in North Yorkshire as our venue for our 2019 Youth Hostel weekend. The date is from Friday 1st March to Sunday 3rd March.
Helmsley is a wonderful market town. It was recognised as Britain's Best Market Town High Street in 2015 beating off hundreds of high streets across the country, including Chipping Norton in Oxfordshire and Cole in Lancashire.
It has fabulous cafes, bookshops galleries and delicatessens, so there's plenty to do if you don’t wish to walk.
Here are a couple of links so you can see more (Opens new windows)
Back to the YHA in Helmsley; We have arranged sole occupancy with 28 members. All places are now booked but if you want to put your name on a waiting list, just in case, then get in touch with Sue or Sandra (details below).
If you have any questions regarding the weekend please email either Sandra Trout [email protected] or Sue Dawson [email protected]